胃肠道癌筛查套餐 (Mid-Year Health Fair 2024)

胃肠道癌筛查套餐 (Mid-Year Health Fair 2024)

胃肠道癌症筛查套餐 - 7,500泰铢

Package Name :

胃肠道癌筛查套餐 (Mid-Year Health Fair 2024)

Terms of service

  • 此价格已包括医生费用和医院服务费用。

  • 请在检查前忍受8-12小时的禁食和禁水。

  • 请在接受服务前1天预约。

  • 医院保留更改的权利,恕不另行通知。

  • 欲获取更多信息,请致电+66-2220-7999

  • 注意



胃肠道癌筛查套餐 (Mid-Year Health Fair 2024)

Package Name :

胃肠道癌筛查套餐 (Mid-Year Health Fair 2024)

7,500.00 Baht

Recently viewed Package

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