Disease & Treatment (90)



Menopause is a period of time where your menstruation ends. The definition of menopause is a 12 months period without menstruation. It is a natural part of aging and marks the end of woman’s reproductive period. Hormones’, namely estrogen and progestogen, level is changed and patients will experience symptoms such as hot flashes and vaginal dryness. Complications from menopause include cardiovascular diseases, altered sexual function from vaginal dryness, urinary incontinence, osteoporosis, and weight gain.

Hereditary Cancer

Hereditary Cancer

Most cancers occurred sporadically and may resulted from environmental exposures or chances of cells abnormal growth with gene mutation. Such mutation does not pass on to the patient’s offspring. However, some cancers occurred from mutated gene which can be inherited from family members. Genetic testing together with evaluation of family history can be used to create a personalized cancer screening and surveillance for each person.



Endometriosis is a painful condition when the tissue similar to the lining of the womb called endometrium which grows in other places such as ovaries, fallopian tubes, and pelvis. With this condition, this tissue will act just like endometrium in each normal menstrual cycle. The tissue will thicken and eventually bleeds but the tissue would then become trapped and surrounding tissue will be irritated.

Genetic Testing for Parents-to-be

Genetic Testing for Parents-to-be

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, recommends that carrier screening be offered to all women who are pregnant or planning to become pregnant. Carrier screening can provide information for your risk assessment if you and your partner may carry certain genes which may cause medical conditions to your baby, such as cystic fibrosis or spinal muscular atrophy.

Vaginal Bleeding

Vaginal Bleeding

Vaginal bleeding is a nonspecific term which can refer to bleeding from normal menstruation cycle or bleeding unrelated to menstruation. This article focuses on unusual vaginal bleeding which can be random and coincides with other symptoms such as pain. Vaginal bleeding other than the pattern of your menstruation cycle may occur and sometimes may not indicate a medical condition however it may be best to consult your obstetrician-gynecologist if you are in doubt.

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